Category: WebDevelopment
Designer Work Tools 2013
I can already complaiine that none of the tools for live CSS editing, support SASS or LESSÂ (or other pre processor). But they speed up your life so much we cannot complaine longer. CSS updater FireBug plug in Prerequisites: Adobe Air, Firefox and minumum FireBug Style Editor 1.0 Requirements: Firefox 12.0 and later…
HTML5 Video
So, here we are, with the hope to kill Adobe flash player from our carrier. The only chance ATM (at the moment) is HTML5 video embed. the compatibility does not seem to be so good: MP4 opera 10.6 does not support this format OGG/OGVÂ explorer 9 and safari 5 do not support webM explorer 9…
UNRESOLVED WP Multisite bugs
This post is WIP WordPress 3.4.1 Plug in: WordPress Importer Missed categories “Ho notato un errore nel blog. Zbog mi diceva che postavo le cose senza aggiungere le categorie in realtĂ , quando posto le robbe dal network mexico, mette le categorie , una volta ripostate da li nella pag centrale nn compaiono” PkT Ravanando nell’installazione…
Create favicon.ico on Linux in 2 links
1. Tutorial Image editing: U can create the image as .png with the Gimp Software, here the tutorial: Drupal interface did not like the.ico format directly saved from GImp, did not appear so I have saved a .png in Gimp and converted … 2. Post Image converting: Post about converting .png to .ico with…
:first-letter pseudo-element for drop cap
If you want the first-letter of a <p>aragraph to look like Drop Cap (old fashion newspaper style), with a bigger letter floated to the left every browser shows up something different. The main problem is to align in vertical the letter to the top of the text,the property vertical-align apply on the first-letter pseudo-element only…
Centering a div in Vertical : the website is made from another crew, but the owner asked me to center the website vertically in the browser, and voila´ the idea is to give a vertical dimension of an empty div of 50% to get the middle of the height, and a margin bottom negative of the value of half…
Neue Plugins im Synoptx-WordPress-Paket
Bei der Entwicklung einiger WordPress-Internetseiten ist uns aufgefallen, dass diesem CMS ein paar Funktionen fehlen, die (inzwischen) wirklich jeder verwenden möchte. Wir haben daher diese beiden Module entwickelt und integrieren diese von nun an neben weiteren Plugins auch in unser Standard-Wordpress-Paket: Social Media Buttons Facebook, Twitter, Xing, Delicious, MrWong, Linkarena und viele weitere Icon-Links als…
Science meets Art – new Website released .. is a project of berlin based artists and university scientists in cooperation with Aritsts and Scientists colaborate for some weeks and present the results in an excebition. They are going to post their latest results in this new blog during the next weeks:Â If you are based in berlin, checkout the events:…
- Anti Surveilance Searchengine
I use this google (TM) frontend since long time. By using this site (as a ~proxy), google (TM) does not receive your cookie and cannot track your behavoir, as they normally do over long time periods. Scroogle stores the logs 48hours, but without IP. I just don’t find the info! Use this this link for your…