Category: General
Designer Work Tools 2013
I can already complaiine that none of the tools for live CSS editing, support SASS or LESS (or other pre processor). But they speed up your life so much we cannot complaine longer. CSS updater FireBug plug in Prerequisites: Adobe Air, Firefox and minumum FireBug Style Editor 1.0 Requirements: Firefox 12.0 and later…
wtf/ pro minute on unbelievable levels
We got to work on a website were already 4 different groups (individual and studios) worked on. Was a mess, we are collecting the best absurd thing from the code. Have fun! h2:first-letter {position: fixed;} How to write not comments, comments are made to help understand, not playng role games while coding : #conttopl .field-title…
Install fonts using Terminal in Lubuntu
I found a simple guide HowTo install fonts using the Terminal and I tested it on Lubuntu enjoy it!
#Nerdsportarten Hello World Championship Twitter Battle
Quelle: twitter 30.09.2012 Gerätetunen Rennraidfahren fooball Unboxen Googlestoßen Weitpingen Hochpingen Sportphishen Shitstormgliding Binary Treeathlon Rugby on Rails </body>building TrollWeitwurf RESTling Coderace Diskauswerfen iPadln 1010-Kampf Returnen Jailbreakdance 401-Meter-Lauf VirtualBoxen BiathLan Eis-shell-laufen Graphendurchlauf Routern Asynchronschwimmen turingen Foursquaredancing Geometriathlon exceptions werfen Klickboxen Microsoftball Erlanglauf Exceptionfangen Trollschuhlaufen Bloggspringen pluginlineskaten mspaint-Ball Downloadhill Firefoxjagd Blobfahren Webdesign-Dreikampf (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Base64ball Mausradfahren…
Tool of the week: k4dirstat
HeyHo, the disc is full, the disc is full…, but i found a great help: “KDirStat – Directory statistics. Shows where all your disk space has gone and helps you clean it up.” Installation in Debian and Ubuntu: $ apt-get install k4dirstat I think the screenshot says it all: Every cube in the tree-map illustration…
Chaos Computer Congress Mirror – Videos of CCC Talks
There was some disc space free on a server and so we collected CCC Congress videos of the last years: You can watch the talks directly in the brower or start a player-program like vlc or mplayer with the http:// url or download the file with “save as..”
MirrorBot Video – Moving Projections in Action
[youtube width=”640″ height=”505″][/youtube] Demo Video of the “moving projection” video installation at Suchtfaktor elekto party in MIKZ, Berlin 03.2010 Monthly, every 1. saturday, also in 2011! The “MirrorBot” is a Arduino minicomputer system to control the position of videobeamer projections. Two servomotors move a mirror in X- and Y- axis, which reflects the beamer image.…
Science meets Art – new Website released .. is a project of berlin based artists and university scientists in cooperation with Aritsts and Scientists colaborate for some weeks and present the results in an excebition. They are going to post their latest results in this new blog during the next weeks: If you are based in berlin, checkout the events:…
Debian Appreciation Day!
Thank Debian or burn some CPU cycles for debian! 😉 [js]<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>[/js]