I use this google (TM) frontend since long time.
By using this site (as a ~proxy), google (TM) does not receive your cookie and cannot track your behavoir, as they normally do over long time periods. Scroogle stores the logs 48hours, but without IP. I just don’t find the info page..help!
One response to “Scroogle.org Anti Surveilance Searchengine”
gut. Ich nutze für sowas (net lache) Progrämmchen von Computerbild (Abelsoft): http://www.computerbild.de/download/Google-Clean-COMPUTER-BILD-Edition-4692155.html und http://www.computerbild.de/download/AntiBrowserSpy-COMPUTER-BILD-Edition-4553815.html
Viele Grüße aus Ulrich’s Labor!