waves or particles

depends on your view

Coming soon – website work in progress
Random Trippy delusions

Code, Visualz, Music

Intelligence & Art – artificial, human or just algorithms…? let’s see…

Current Projects


Step off the grid

Fr33 collaboration tools for grassroots movements and DIY collectives. Break out of the corporate matrix


Raspi Plants

Raspi and ESP32 System to control Lights, Waterpumps, Sensors, .. via MQTT in Home-Assistant

Crypto Raspi Installer

Scripts for headless SD-Card System Setup with Full Disc Encryption, Virtualization and App-Containers


Email: info@fr33.info

Mastodon: sonitrons@layer8.space

Matrix: @sonitrons:fr33.info

Signal: sonitrons.23

Codeberg Repos: sonitrons

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