Tag: Ecological
Nomads USB-Zine 2012
Building Up the first Nomads USB-Zine The Nomads USB-zine is a mixture of brochure, videos and info material that become a multimedia Fanzine on USB stick media. With the USB-zines we can distribute our info material on demand, decreasing the consume of media support as DVD or Paper to promote our ideas. We organized a…
Tool of the week: k4dirstat
HeyHo, the disc is full, the disc is full…, but i found a great help: “KDirStat – Directory statistics. Shows where all your disk space has gone and helps you clean it up.” Installation in Debian and Ubuntu: $ apt-get install k4dirstat I think the screenshot says it all: Every cube in the tree-map illustration…
Debian and Tabstarter on the OLPC X0
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6rMfosANkY[/youtube] wow, the X0 OLPC looks really nice: a ruggedized mini-notebook. the sugar desktop looks also very interesting, but at first glance it is too different from typical western computers interfaces to be intuitive for a european. the home desktop screen is very inspiring, but we wonder: why is it all gray? does that safe…