Tag: Javascript
Designer Work Tools 2013
I can already complaiine that none of the tools for live CSS editing, support SASS or LESSĀ (or other pre processor). But they speed up your life so much we cannot complaine longer. CSS updater FireBug plug in http://www.cssupdater.com/ Prerequisites: Adobe Air, Firefox and minumum FireBug Style Editor 1.0 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/style-editor/?src=api Requirements: Firefox 12.0 and later…
KnowTheKeyboard – Javascript RIA Game
This is an educational Browser Game for Children and Computer Beginners to learn how to use Keyboard Shortcuts. The Game is integrated into the TabStarter Easy Launcher like a RIA Application by using Python gtkmozembed Widget. It uses Dojo Javascript Library and our synoptx javascript libraries and offline toolkit Version 0.1 :: (proof of concept)…