Category: Video
Video Editor in Linux KDEnlive
Kdenlive 0.9.6 Aspettiamo con ansia la versione 1! Ha superato il test nella creazione basica di video amatoriali. Unico Software video a permettere l’integrazione dei metadati all’interno dei file ogg. Spero si specializzi nei formati liberi, cosí da diventare concorrenziale a livello professionale. Devo ammettere che la gran parte delle volte che il software crasha…
HTML5 Video
So, here we are, with the hope to kill Adobe flash player from our carrier. The only chance ATM (at the moment) is HTML5 video embed. the compatibility does not seem to be so good: MP4 opera 10.6 does not support this format OGG/OGV explorer 9 and safari 5 do not support webM explorer 9…
Chaos Computer Congress Mirror – Videos of CCC Talks
There was some disc space free on a server and so we collected CCC Congress videos of the last years: You can watch the talks directly in the brower or start a player-program like vlc or mplayer with the http:// url or download the file with “save as..”
Blender video editor
I m producing a video in Blender so thats my live report, this tutorial will be corrected and make it bigger in the future. WORKSPACE To start lets enter in the windows setup for video editing: drop down menu and choose the number 4th : SEQUENCE Strange that Blender dont use the standard names, like…
Software Freedom Day 18.09.2010 E-Lok Berlin
LinuxWorks! ist Gastgeber zum diesjährigen Software Freedom Day Der “Software Freedom Day” ist eine jährliche, weltweite Veranstaltung um Freie Software zu präsentieren und den Dialog zwischen deren Nutzern und Entwicklern zu fördern. In Berlin wird dazu dieses Jahr ein Vielzahl von Ausstellern zusammen kommen. Neben Vorträgen und Infoständen wird somit ein Fest organisiert, das den…
Viper Video Editor Review
Kollege Helmchyn programmed a video editor in python: VIPER It uses mplayer and mencoder to play and encode videoclips. this way, it reads almost every video codec and can create various outputs. The frontend is programmed in Python and TK GUI-lib. you can combine multiple videoclips in a timeline and select their length and in/out…
Video Editing with Open Source
After 4 years in the Open Source scene I m finally able to generate a complete video with Open Source Software. Was an hard work, many video editors are started but none is complete. Guys cooperation! please! Do not try to do only your own stuff, if there are some developer reeding this post, please…