Category: Netbook Systems
Debian and Tabstarter on the OLPC X0
[youtube][/youtube] wow, the X0 OLPC looks really nice: a ruggedized mini-notebook. the sugar desktop looks also very interesting, but at first glance it is too different from typical western computers interfaces to be intuitive for a european. the home desktop screen is very inspiring, but we wonder: why is it all gray? does that safe…
KidsLinux @Pinguincafe @LinuxTag, Berlin
TabStarter – Easy Program Starter Intro Screen: LinuxTag 2008 : Pinguincafe & Synoptx Action We prepared 10 Asus eeePCs for the Childcorner on Linuxtag fair in Berlin. The resonance on the fair was very good and people of all ages were interested in the hard- and software. We installed and configured 2 different linux operating…