We watched a lecture from CCC congress 24C3 at Samacafe yesterday to get ideas how to organize hackerspaces and linux user groups. It was presented on the congress in 2007 by Lars Weiler and Jens Ohlig.
“Design Patterns” are presented in the lecture: many typical hackerspace-orga problems are identified and a possible solution is presented. Some design patterns also match for living together in communities, others are optimized for nerds and their special lifestyle.
Video of the lecture: Building a Hackerspace MP4
Here is the PDF of the slides: Building a Hackerspace PDF
Info WIKI: Hackerspaces.org WIKI
btw: there are 100s other interesting videos of the CCC lectures! fem.tu-illmenau.de
Notes by ZBog:
What could be better than the solution presented in the lecture::
Be culturally neutral
-> I can say clean and white walls, then we are anyway fine with a specified target
Plenum is suggested a weekly appointment not irregular and not more then 1 daily meeting
-> Ill suggest the weekly plenum must be maximum 3 hours long
4 years is a good time to consider if the hacker space is running or not
-> in our case will be an office, then 2 years are necessary to calculate the income, first year there are to many expenses to count really
Decision with Direct Democracy
-> again we are speaking about an Office, so I think that Decision making should be divided in 3 levels , on the beginning I planned 2 levels Plenum and team, but we all know there is no democracy in 2, you ll need the 3rd vote to break the war, any group counts as 1 vote
- Plenum democracy
- Working team, who is directly involved
- Director / main developer / Art director and so on
How to resolve problems
- do not attack people before the deadline, they are already stressed, just wait for the release party or organize a meeting after release to discuss how the work went and what needs to be improved next time
- if you are sharing a project, wait until the project is finished or you break the team mood
- In plenum you should generally not speak about somebody, but about “what will happen if”, do not use names or the war will start