We ordered a S65 Arduino shield from Watterott.com.
Simply plug it on a Arduino and play with a 176 x 132 pixels color display from a Siemens S65 handy, micro SD card slot and rotary encoder.
There is a library on the Watterott website, which contains some graphic functions to paint on the screen, just like in many other languages. This is enough to create small games, animations and GUIs in full color.
The refresh rate is not soo high, but its fast enough to paint moving objects and interactive animations. The painted pixels stay as they are until something else is drawn over – they do not need to be refreshed.

Instead, the screen must be completely cleared before redraw, which is veeeery slow or parts of the screen must be painted over with the background color.
After some experiments, I call the painting functions two times: 1. with the background-color – to overwrite exactly the previously painted lines with the background color, before re-painting moved objects. This approach works fast and the refresh is invisible.
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