Category: Rasbperry Pi
Enable 512MB RAM on latest Raspberry Pi
At first I was very disappointed, because my new Raspis showed only 256MB RAM, although the shop promised to deliver the new model with 512MB RAM. Mr. Watterott answered my email- support request within 5 minutes (!). He told me, that it’s a software issue and pointed me to this link, showing how to identify,…
Rasperry Pi SPI Touchscreen X-Server
Thanks to Dominique Gallot and vis, I managed to drive a MI0283QT-2 color touchscreen on the raspi 🙂 I followed the steps at and added the framebuffer driver by vis to run X and LXDE-desktop. 40px in vertical are missing and touch is not working yet, but it’s very funny to use a mouse…
Raspberry Pi Initialization
Today I received 2 Raspberry Pi boards from – Thanx for the fast delivery! Specs: During installation and configuration some bugs appeared, so here are some notes to get around: I used this debian wheezy image: and followed the linux console install guide At first various problems occurred: locale- and keyboard-…